All the ongoings of your favorite Wright family...

All the ongoings of your favorite Wright family...

Friday, July 30, 2010

32 weeks and counting...

Welp, since I have no idea what I'm doing in the blog world, I decided I'd make the first post an update about Lucas and the pregnancy. For anyone that doesn't know, Kevin and I have decided to use a midwife. At what point I turned into this natural birth, cloth diaper, baby-wearing Mama, I have no idea. Anyways, my appointment with her Monday went great. It was the typical appointment filled to the brim with exciting events such as peeing in a cup, checking weight, blood pressure, listening to his heart beat, etc. However, when she measured my belly, I'm measuring about two weeks small. She is attributing this to my being tall - Lucas just has lots of room and doesn't have to stretch my belly out as much. But, since measuring small is the very thing we've been watching out for because of the velamentous cord insertion, we are going to be extra cautious and make sure I'm not measuring even farther behind at my next appointment. We have already decided to get a growth sonogram at 36 weeks to make sure Lucas is growing, is head-down, yada-yada. I feel like the little bugger is fine - Kevin? Not so much. Apparently when Kevin isn't busy stitching up someone's face, he's stressing out about the size of my baby-gut. And the fact that I have a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions. I'm fine. I even asked the midwife about the contractions, and she said it was probably because I was dehydrated, which my urine confirmed. Oops. Bottoms up!

On a separate note, I HAVE AN INTERVIEW MONDAY! It's at VCU, where Kevin works, in the adult cardiology department. I'm pretty excited about it, but also bummed that it isn't for a pediatric echo position. Either way, wish me luck! We'll see how rolling into an interview 8 months pregnant works out for me!

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